About Us


KSUPPLY is a shoe cleaning & restoration service based within London. We believe shoes deserve a second chance and shouldn't be thrown away or forgotten about after being worn out or damaged in unlucky circumstances. We want all of our customers to enjoy preserving and wearing their favour pairs of shoes and this is why we formed the company. We started in 2022 and aim to expand our service throughout the rest of the UK and eventually worldwide. 


What do we do?

Simply put, we clean and restore shoes, like nobody else does. We can do simple cleaning jobs or more complicated repair works including stitching and material repairs, crease removals and paint work. We provide different packages based on your needs to ensure that you are happy with the result. 


How do we achieve this?

We are connected and work with multiple reliable and trustworthy restorers and cleaners through out the country who have plenty of knowledge and experience within the cleaning and restoration service industry. You can be rest assured that we'll do our utmost best to ensure that you receive your items back and are happy and satisfied with the results. 




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